Alex Batty, a British adolescent who had been missing for years, was a resident of a farmland in France. The owners of the farmstead have provided their thoughts on his time spent there.

After leaving his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester, in 2017 to go on vacation to Spain with his mother and grandfather, Alex disappeared without a trace. He was accompanied by his mother and grandfather.

It was on Saturday that he arrived back in the United Kingdom after spending many days travelling across the French Pyrenees by himself in an attempt to find medical treatment. A seventeen-year-old at this point in time.

Zach, or Alex, according to the gite proprietors, was "a member of our family."

It is believed that he has intermittently resided there for the past two years. The French authorities have described the nomadic way of life of Alex's relatives by asserting that the family journeyed from Morocco to Spain before landing in France.

This is considered to be a characteristic of the nomadic way of life. A little hamlet that is located in the foothills of the Pyrenees is home to a small number of stone dwellings, one of which is the Gite de la Bastide.

The proprietors of the establishment, Frederic Hambye and Ingrid Beauve, stated on their website on Sunday that Alex performed odd tasks in exchange for lodging and food.

The couple stated that they would accompany him on summertime excursions, such as cycling and visits to the nearby shore and river. They stated that although his mother did not reside at the gite, Alex "departed several times" to visit her, with his most recent return occurring in early summer.

They stated that he expressed a wish to "return to a normal life," and as a result, they assisted him in finding a spot at a school. However, they discovered that he required formal documentation, which he did not have.

Almost immediately after that, they stated that he informed them of his plan to go back to the United Kingdom in order to obtain the identity documents that he required in order to join in a French school in order to study computer technology.

According to the couple, he informed them that he was going to go and be with his mother before he departed. It was conveyed to him that he "would always be welcome" and that "if needed, we were there to aid him." Additionally, they expressed their best wishes for his future success.

Before making a decision regarding whether or not to launch a criminal inquiry, the Greater Manchester Police Department announced that they needed to thoroughly investigate the facts surrounding his disappearance. Additionally, they stated that their top priority were to provide assistance to Alex and his family, as well as to facilitate his reintegration into society.

However, French authorities stated that Alex told them that his mother wanted to move him to Finland, which prompted him to make the decision to return to the United Kingdom. The whereabouts of Alex's mother are unknown or unknown.