Hogwarts Legacy, a video game based on the popular fiction novel Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, has received a phenomenal opening on launch. Since its announcement, the game was surrounded by LGBTQ activists asking for canceling the game because of J.K. Rowling's comments on homosexuals and other parts of the LGBTQ community. Although it has been many years since she made these comments, the LGBTQ community has always been active against any product launched by her, be it her books or any merchandise. But despite all the efforts of the LGBTQ community to get people to boycott the game, Hogwarts Legacy received a massive opening on the launch day. The game also received significantly higher pre-orders as it offered users a chance to play the game early.
Since the launch of Harry Potter books in 1997, Harry Potter fans have been dreaming of living in the fancy world of Hogwarts. Harry Potter fans have been wanting to live the life of the boy who lived, to experience learning at Hogwarts, to make potions, to use spells, to duel against fellow wizards, and everything which was in the books. There have been multiple games based on the Harry Potter universe, but no game has provided an immersive experience to Harry Potter fans. Hogwarts Legacy has done exactly that. When the initial gameplay for Hogwarts Legacy was released, Harry Potter fans and fans of open-world role-playing games were in awe because of how immersive the game was. The gameplay trailer showed some of the core mechanics of the game such as duels, Quidditch, and other interactive concepts of the game. These concepts were extremely similar to how it has been described in the book. Seeing the trailer and gameplay footage, fans were enthusiastic for sure.
But on the other hand, the LGBTQ community was furious as Rowling was getting another opportunity to make fortune from Harry Potter books. Rowling is already a billionaire with the maximum of her fortune coming from royalties on Harry Potter books and merchandise. But her inappropriate comments on homosexuality have provided her with a negative personality over the internet. Upon every product launch by Rowling, voices asking for boycotts start to get louder. It also happened when Warner Brothers announced the movie adaptation of Fantastic Beasts by Rowling. And it also happened now, with the launch of Hogwarts Legacy.
But when you look at things without carrying any prejudice, Hogwarts Legacy is created by the studio of harry potter lovers and not the lovers of J.K. Rowling. That is why the game is named after Hogwarts and not after Harry Potter, which is a much more popular and eye-catching keyword. The game is a prequel to the Harry Potter universe and covers a storyline that is over a century older than the events shown in Harry Potter. The sole purpose of the game is to provide Hogwarts fans to experience life at Hogwarts. Although Rowling will indeed be getting a small cut of the game's revenue because of her ownership of IP, you can not ignore the hard work which the studio has put in while creating the game just because you hate Rowling.